Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 72(22) Man in the Moon

Time change, what can I say about it. I wish it would get left one way or the other but doesn't look like that would ever happen. Although I am not real excited about losing this hour of sleep(I will eventually adjust), I did see this beautiful site this morning as I took the boys to school, so I guess it is not all bad.

Day 71(21) Hayden and Homework

My Hayden is such a trooper. Not really being our avid sportsman and not having practice of his own, he gets drug to most of Zach's practices and games. This is nothing new for him since he has pretty much been doing this since day 1. So, this is a common scene of him, in our backseat doing homework while we watch Zach do his thing. I hope Zach appreciates how accommodating his brother has been for him one of these days. In the future I hope Hayden finds something he really loves doing and Zach has to slow down and wait on Hayden some. I think it would really be good for both of them.

Day 68, 69 and 70

Ok guys, I know you have been waiting on some pictures from me but I have been having some issues. Saturdays, Sunday's and Monday'spictures are on a video camera that also takes stills. Unfortunately, I cannot get them to download so I will continue to work on them. Be patient.